AB 104

AB 104, a bill that went into effect on July 1, 2021, includes provisions regarding grade changes, grade level retention, and graduation requirements in an effort to ameliorate the possible negative effects of the pandemic, and pandemic-related distance learning, on students.

AB 104 added Section 49066.5 to the California Education Code, which authorizes parents, guardians, and adult students to request that any high school letter grade earned during the 2020-21 school year be changed to Pass or No Pass (P/NP).

Within 15 calendar days of the VOC's notice as described above, an adult pupil or parent/guardian desiring such a grade change must submit an application to VOC. The change from a letter grade to P/NP under Section 49066.5 is mandatory, and not discretionary: VOC shall change the transcript and notify the adult pupil/parent/guardian within 15 calendar days.


Grade Change Application

Some institutions may not accept pass/no pass for admissions purposes. Please click the button below for a list of post secondary institutions that will comply with the pass/no pass grade.